
You can contact us for: Veneers

You can contact us for the placement of veneers, thin plates that are glued to teeth or molars to make them more beautiful. Veneers can be placed to, for example, fill gaps between teeth, repair broken corners or whiten discolored teeth.

There are two types of veneers: 

* composite veneers 

* porcelain veneers. 

Composite veneers are applied by the dentist himself and are ready in one treatment. Porcelain veneers are made in a laboratory. First, an impression is made of the tooth to be treated, then the veneer is placed by your dentist.

If the facing is placed correctly, it should last at least 10 years. In practice, however, it appears that many veneers last much longer, some even more than 30 years. However, circumstances or habits such as nail biting or teeth grinding may cause the veneer to come off sooner. Therefore, always discuss such habits or circumstances with your dentist

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